RFQ for 20-ft Connex Container for Najeeb Taraki Cricket ground and ACB Office in Nangarhar Province

Procurement | 2024-07-17

The Afghanistan Cricket Board seeks to purchase two 20-ft containers, one for the Nangarhar guest house security and the other for the provincial in-charge office at Najeeb Taraki Cricket Ground.  Please refer to the attached RFQ for further details, specifications, and locations. 

Posted Date 2024-07-16 Closing Date 2024-07-17
Category Procurement Type Procurement

Request for RFQ: 20-ft Connex Container for Najeeb Taraki Cricket Ground and ACB Office in Nangarhar Province

The Afghanistan Cricket Board seeks to purchase two 20-ft containers, one for the Nangarhar guest house security and the other for the provincial in-charge office at Najeeb Taraki Cricket Ground. 

Please refer to the attached RFQ for further details, specifications, and locations.